Ebenezer Park, D Day + 8, January 9, 2019—Today we explored
the Boiken Springs searching for one of
our target birds, Bachman’s Sparrow. We traveled
by car and foot for about one and half hours but were unable to locate
one. Then we began our search for another
target bird, Red-cockaded Woodpecker and this time we were successful. So we added another to the list. In addition, we found Brown-headed Nuthatch
and Pine Warbler in the same area.
Red-cockaded Woodpecker |
Pine Warbler |
Brown-headed Nuthatch |
This was our morning
run. In the afternoon we checked out
Lake Sam Rayburn and were very disappointed that there were only a handful of Double-crested
Cormorants and a single gull visible. We
then made a run to the Parker Fish Hatchery where we encountered another
addition, Greater Roadrunner.
Greater Roadrunner
Then we headed down a
county road. When we found some good
habitat we played the Eastern Screech Owl recording and boy did the birds
respond. While in this one spot we had
American Robins, Tufted Titmouse, White-throated Sparrow, Eastern Phoebe, and Yellow-bellied
Sapsucker. Tomorrow its once again time
to search for the elusive Bachman’s Sparrow, a sparrow that would be a lifer for
both Deb and I.
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