Monday, June 6, 2016

Teslin Lake—June 5

Today started sunny but that didn’t last long.  By 10 am the rain had commenced and it turned much cooler.  I ventured back to Teslin and found a restaurant for breakfast and that had internet access.  I spent an hour there and during that time a bus load of 45 people stopped for lunch and the restaurant totally filled up.  After breakfast I drove around the area looking for birds, but I was not able to locate any wildlife on the lake.  I think there was too much wind and they must have sought save harbor.  So back to camp.  Once there I evaluated the way I had packed the kitchen.  One shelf in a small cabinet had continued to fall down and I decided that I should have put the much lighter items in that cabinet and move the other items to a place with a more solid foundation.  The undulating and some bad road conditions tend to make many items not travel well.  The new arrangement will work much better I’m sure.  I also changed the sheets on my bed and got things ready to wash in Whitehorse.  In the evening two Alberta couples invited me over to visit.  They had a nice fire going in the rain (I say rain—here in Canada and Alaska rain is more like dripping).  You can usually dry off between drips.  We had a nice visit and Dulce made new friends.  Then it was time for bed and get ready for departure tomorrow early.  I have decided to stay as Marsh Lake PP, about 25 miles east of Whitehorse and then drive to Atlin from there the following day.  This will save fuel because I will not be towing the trailer an additional 120 miles.  Otherwise, it was a quiet day in which Dulce and I got to take a nap.  Birds in the campground were not abundant.  I was greatly surprised as I sat drinking my morning coffee to see another Spruce Grouse fly across the clearing between me and the camp bathrooms.  Other birds were a constantly singing American Robin, a Dark-eyed Junco, Black-capped Chickadee and Northern Hawk Owl that call for about 20 minutes from his high perch.  

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